
Showing posts from February, 2018

GoFundMe and getting dirt under our nails

V and I decided to ask the public to help support the first round of pawpaw trees for the orchard this year. We have set up a GoFundMe account and are greatly humbled and honored by those who have donated anything at all. If you are interested in learning more about our GoFundMe, please visit and donate today! We also recently purchased 7 packages of "Giant Pawpaw Seeds" from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds, a company we frequent when setting up our personal kitchen garden at the Broadmoor Food Forest. These seeds were collected from a well-known orchard in Kentucky which is home to almost every named variety of pawpaw that exists. Each package of seeds was advertised as containing 5 seeds, but we were pleasantly surprised to see each package contains at least  5 seeds. We also ordered RootMaker Express propagation trays and 1-gallon Air Pruning containers and intended on planting 35 seedlings to prepare for next year's planting (we int